Summer 2015 Blogs

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Get Excited For The Youth!

Excitement is what I believe children are lacking in school. How are they going to want to grow in education if they are not excited about what is being taught? It is hard learning material when it feels like Boot camp and a punishment if they do not do the work. It is important that we figure out what motivates and excited children to learn. Working with children over the summer, I have learned that they memorize material when they sing it in the song. It was very interesting watching a school that applies music and dance moves to their learning environment.

Down below you will catch a link about Ron Clark Academy which is a middle school in Atlanta that engages academics with singing and dancing as well as directing discipline and respect.

It is amazing how they motivate teachers to have passion for what they do to have an effect on students. I believe this makes a huge impact on students and encourages them to want to get up for school every single day. If school all over the world applied this concept, I am sure there would be less dropouts and more high school and college graduates.

Remember that your outside problems cannot affect the children. When you are excited, happy, and motivated so are the students. Staff must stop coming to work just for a paycheck and come to inspire and change a child's life by there push and drive. Show students you care about them by not making it seem like you are giving up on them.

Remember that your outside problems cannot affect the children. When you are excited, happy, and motivated so are the students. Staff must stop coming to work just for a paycheck and come to inspire and change a child's life by there push and drive. Show students you care about them by not making it seem like you are giving up on them.

We have to get excited to the kids will be excited!

6 Ways To Get Students Motivated to Learn

Getting Student Excited About Learning

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