Summer 2015 Blogs

Monday, June 22, 2015

The 3 R's In A Classroom Setting

Respect: It is important that teachers, students, and staff know what it means to use respect. The best way to earn respect is to show respect. Respect means to treat others the way you wanted to be treated. Working with children, I have learned that the students will behave if the teacher is behaving in a proper manner. I have seen many students disrespect teachers because the teachers are showing disrespect back. It is important to remember who the adult is and to never let a child overpower you that make you very angry. Respect comes along way and children need to learn the basics of respect because it will get them far in life. If we do not show children respect, the way we treat them will have an effect on how they treat others in the future.
noun: respect
  1. 1.
    a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Responsibility: Have responsibility. We are responsible for maintaining discipline, encouraging and caring for the students. Notice many children will only get love they never get to feel at home at school. We are never really aware of what children go through at home. As adults, it is our job to create a safety environment for children who may have been raised differently and truly do not know right for wrong. We can show them through our actions, the way we talk to them and the way we uplift them.

noun: responsibility
  1. the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

Relationships: No children are not our friends but we can build relationships with them. I try really hard to make sure I treat my students the same and not have favorites. Building relationships from a distance can have a huge impact on children. A relationship strong enough for students to trust and believe that you have a passion for them and care about their future. The only push children may have is when they leave their house because they have someone else to inspire them in every way possible. Building relationships can always prevent many things from happening that children do not like to speak about to others like abuse, rape, and more.

noun: relationship; plural noun: relationships
  1. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.



  1. These are always good vaules to live by with teaching and in life in general.

    1. I agree, I believe these are the basic values necessary for life!

  2. If more people had these things than I feel like people would not suffer from as many mental issues. It is a good foundation and I like how you set it up in your blog.

  3. I believe that respect is very important, especially self respect! It's also a very tough character trait to nurture! Have you ever seen the movie "To Sir With Love"? It's a great movie starring Sidney Poitier and shows how one man who respects his own self-worth is able to help a group of students learn to respect themselves.

  4. Great post! Children lead by example. They will become what you teach them. Sort of like how people say, "bad dogs aren't born they're made" I think the same is true for people.
